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Posted in : "2021 - September"

  • Tattoo Material
    Tattoo Material

    We recommend that people who want to practice tattoo art first take this job as an apprentice with a professional master. Thanks to the tattoo tips you will learn with this master, I can guarantee you that you will always be one step ahead while performing this art. In this art, you must first have certain hand skills. It can be a little difficult to perform this art, especially if you are someone with trembling hands. If there is no obstacle in front of you to perform the art, you can open a...

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  • Hospital Supplies
    Hospital Supplies

    Hospital supplies are products used in hospitals. Although there are many types, each material has its own special use. Hospital supplies are products that must be found in every hospital and are indispensable.

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  • Veterinär-Schreibtisch

    Es gibt viele Arten von Untersuchungsliegen, die je nach Verwendungsmuster und -bereichen variiert werden können. Einer der Tische, der für die nächste Stufe nach der Behandlungsdiagnose der Patienten verwendet wird, ist der Veterinärtisch für unsere Tierfreunde Der Veterinärtisch ist das Gerät, an dem alle Arten von Tieren untersucht werden und alle Gesundheitskontrollen, die Sie sich vorstellen können, wie z B. chirurgischer Eingriff, Operation, medizinischer Eingriff durchgeführt werden....

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  • Examination Bed
    Examination Bed

    During the treatment of patients, the table where the interventions made by the health personnel for diagnosis and diagnosis are carried out is called the examination bed or examination table. It is a medical material that should be found in all health institutions you can think of, such as examination beds, family health centers, hospitals, medical centers, private practice, infirmary and clinics. The examination bed, which has an important function in helping patients, is one of the...

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  • Forged Tables
    Forged Tables

    People like to make changes to their bodies so that changes occur in their lives. There is a method of change dating back to BC. This is the name of the thing I'm talking about, tattoo. Tattoo art is one of the most skillful pursuits. Therefore, not everyone who wishes can deal with tattoo art. Therefore, you must have a talent for doing tattoo art. In addition to this ability, you must have a complete material. A product that allows you to take these materials comfortably at hand is the...

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  • Tattoo Stand
    Tattoo Stand

    Someone who wants to deal with the art of tattooing should definitely have a good knowledge of some subjects before being included in this profession. Today we would like to talk to you about a product that a tattoo artist should definitely have. This product is a so-called forged material stand. In this product, we will talk about which features should be available in general or in which price ranges they can be found.

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  • Dövme Kol Dayama Sehpası
    Dövme Kol Dayama Sehpası

    Dövme kol dayama sehpası dışarıdan bakıldığı zaman basit bir ürün olarak görünebilir. Lakin bu ürün dövme stüdyosu işletmekte olan kişilerin adeta iş yüklerini hafifletmekte ve müşterilerinin işlem sırasında kendilerinden memnun olmasını dahi sağlayabildiği söylenebilir.

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  • Spa Stretcher
    Spa Stretcher

    In our country, as in the world, the number of Spa salons has been increasing in recent years. Massage with special lotions made in these salons is called Spa. Not only in private salons, but also in many large hotel resorts, the spa salon is located in the personal care section.

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  • Massage Stretcher
    Massage Stretcher

    Massage is the simplest method of having a healthy body or staying healthy. Touching is the basis of massage. The positive effect of massage on humans has been proven through experiments. A correct massage to a sore body will end the pain. For this reason, in addition to opening many massage parlors in our country in recent years, large hotels, holiday resorts, spa centers and beauty salons have added massage departments to their services.

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  • Spa Bed
    Spa Bed

    Stress and many difficulties brought by life disrupt the chemistry of the human body, and this situation causes many major problems in the body. Many people use spa centers, therapy centers and saunas to relax their body, relieve muscle pain and relax muscles, and get rid of mental fatigue. Production companies manufacture these spa beds in the desired color, desired quality and material, desired features and desired dimensions.

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  • Tattoo Arm Table
    Tattoo Arm Table

    It is now possible to get tattoos all over the body. It is now possible to get tattoos even in the most unimaginable places. However, it seems that the cola tattoo will never go out of fashion. Even those who are going to get a new tattoo think of whether I should get a small coke. The charm of getting a tattoo on the arm area is actually quite a lot. The first factor in the preference of the rate is that it is the most visible place. Whether it's summer or winter, it somehow looks like an...

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  • Saç Ekim Yatağı
    Saç Ekim Yatağı

    Saç dökülmesi çağımızın en büyük problemlerinden. Çok çeşitli sebepleri olsa da ana faktör stres ve düzensiz yaşamdır. Yaşanan olumsuzlukta elimiz ayağımız titrerken saç köklerimizin bu duruma kayıtsız kalması düşünülemez. Stresin saç köklerinde oluşturmuş olduğu tahribat neticesinde dökülme gerçekleşir. Bu durum sağlıksız yaşam koşullarıyla da ortaya çıkabilir. Örneğin yatış kalkış saatleriniz normal aralıklar değilse bu saç köklerini etkileyecektir. Ve saç ekimi kaçınılmaz olacaktır. Tabi...

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Showing 13 to 24 of 167 (14 Pages)
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